Manifestation: "Asnam" / Idoles
Manifestation: "Asnam" / Idoles
Présentation "Asnam" / Idoles.
Invitation ouverte:
Ce n'est ni une performance musicale ni une manifrstation. ASNAM est un évenement qui s'orrganisera chaque année pour joindre tout le monde sans descrimination; L'interaction entre les idoles sera libre et sans limites. Vous pouvez crier, pleurer, ou rire.
Sortez de l'ordinaire et savourez l'absurde.
Vous étes libres: vous pouvez dancer, chanter ou peindre; Vous pouvez courir, marchet ou ne rien faire. Seulement, vous devez porter un uniforme oranger (l'uniforme des idoles).
This is an open invitation ; it is not a theatrical or musical performance, it is not a manifestation or a sit-in, It is not a conference , workshop or training ... Idols ( ASNAM ) is to bring together everyone without discrimination, the interaction of idols is free and without restrictions, for example, you can scream or cry, laugh, for example, or exchange kisses or hugs, out of the ordinary and enter into the absurd. You are free: you can dance or sing or paint, and can stand or run or walk and you can just don't do anything, You just have to wear UNIFORMS of IDOLS (Orange Suit) and you'll find yourself among us. For Orange costumes are found in shops selling clothes for workers , and you can contact us for help. _You will find Yourself wearing the same dress with dozens of people, you'll find yourself in a challenge with sense , idols will be organized once a year. LET's all say together NO TERRORISM , YES LIFE .